Friday, July 16, 2010

Overheard Supermarket Conversation

The following scenario could have taken place anywhere in the world.

I happened to overhear this conversation many years ago and could not get away from the couple fast enough.  I also could not get the conversation out of my head.

For the want of easy reading, let us call the man 'Adam' and the lady 'Eva'.

Adam says to Eva: "I have been watching the women in these queues and they are all working and busting their arses, while you sit at home on your FAT arse and are tired and look as if you have the world on your shoulders".
"The women that are working are all HAPPY.  You must get off your FAT arse and find work.  Jeremiah said the other night that it is easy to find work, and the only people who cant find work are lazy and dont want to work.  Didn't you hear him say that or did it go over your head?

Today I often wonder about Adam and what has become of him. Is he working? Is he happily married?  And what about Eva.  Did she ever manage to escape Adam's tyranny  and did she manage to stop being treated like a regular doormat.

Just for the record, Eva was not fat and neither did she have a fat arse!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weekend Challenge

Jun 16, 2010 (3 days ago)
All About Relationships and You - A Weekend Challenge
from Off The Fence

This is my reply to Saint's challenge - I hope it makes some kind of sense. Apologies if it is a bit serious, but it is all relative to my state of mind and health at the moment.

I am a person who ... tries too hard to consider other peoples feelings often at my own expense.

One of the things I'd like people to know about me is ... I've made many mistakes and have hurt people along the way.

One of the things I have to do to survive is ... hide my true emotions-but did it help me survive? Not so sure.......

All my life, I ... wished I had enough money to live well and spoil my children

It isn't easy for me to admit ... that I did not have a good relationship with my father

Sometimes I feel frustrated when ... I feel trapped in this diseased body of mine

If I didn't care what people thought, I would ... give up on life today

Ever since I was a child, I ... felt like the black sheep of the family (this has changed over the past 10 years)

One of the things I'd like to be valued and appreciated for is ... kindness, understanding, tolerance

One of the things I wish people understood about me is ... that I have worked too hard and played too little

One of the things I appreciate about my parents is ... that they gave me life and values

One of the things that first attracted me to my partner was ... which partner?

I feel especially happy with my partner when ... I dont have onebut if I did it would be when he is feeling good about himself

I feel especially happy with my friends when ... they are happy and enjoying an occasion (whatever that may be)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Buffalo

This essay was expertly written by my darling son Kieran at the tender age of 14. I have reproduced it without his permission. It is one of my favourite essays that he has scribed. 

Ps This passage above was ALSO written by Kieran.

The Buffalo

The massive herd galloped across the barren earth. They rushed towards the river and stopped at the edge of the riverbank.

Their short tails swished as they approached the water cautiously.

There was a loud splash as the animals pushed past each other. The river flowed calmly, disturbed only by the herd. The animals’ harsh grunts silenced the sound of birds chirping in the distance.

The fiery sun scorched my skin and the moist air suggested that rain would soon come to the plains. The earth was bone dry and desperately needed the rain to soak it once more.

The buffalo watched the river carefully, as it concealed many dangers beneath its murky depths. Overhead, vultures circled the area, sensing the peril in the water.

Beneath the river’s surface, long, scaly creatures made their way stealthily towards the unsuspecting buffalo. The malevolent creatures had been starving since the beginning of the drought. They were mere metres away from the buffalo. As they reached the riverbank, the buffalo began to flee the scene.

The buffalos’ powerful legs left a cloud of choking dust behind them. The crocodiles could do nothing but watch as the buffalo vanished as suddenly as they had arrived.

Kieran Van Bosch
Grade 8T September 2004

Monday, June 7, 2010

Die Persoon wat ek die beste ken

This Afrikaans essay was written by my son Jared last year and it really touched my heart.  I have reproduced it here with his kind permission.

23 Januarie 2009 Opstel

Die persoon wat ek beste ken is my ma. My ma het kort, swart hare en bruin oë. Sy het ook ‘n mooi glimlag en ‘n verskeidenheid klere.

My ma is baie vriendelik met mense, want sy is gewillig om ander mense te help. Sy is verantwoordelik in haar werk en sy sorg vir haar familie. Wanneer ons iets nodig het is sy altyd gereed om uit te gaan om dit te kry. My ma is sorgvuldig en ‘n goeie rolspeler want sy is betroubaar en verantwoordelik.

My ma kook wel en geniet tuinbou. Sy het ‘n mooi tuin met baie kleurryke blomme. Sy is selfgenoegsaam want sy is gesond en verslap bly. My ma is ‘n baie georganiseerde persoon, want sy kan die huis bestuur en dit netjies hou.

My ma se goeie hoedanighede is dat sy nadruk wel kan bestuur en sy is in haar werk aanvaar. Wanneer sy werk het, sy maak dit altyd klaar en maak seker dat die werk voltooi en netjies is. Sy is regverdig tussen ek en my broer. As beide van ons iets doen wat onreg is, is altwee van ons gestraf. My ma se ander goeie hoedanighede is dat sy sorgvuldig is vir ander mense.

Sy ondersteun en sorg vir my. Wanneer ek ‘n probleem het, my ma is altyd gewillig om my te help. Sy ondersteun my wanneer ek ‘n doelwit of droom het, en die ding wat die meeste vir my beteken is dat sy is lief vir my.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem ..... or something like that.

This blog is dedicated to my sister Lorraine, The Late Stork and Ambrosia who in their 'joire de vivre' have left an indelible imprint on my mind.

These three animated ladies, remind me of those puppies one sees at the pet shop; the ones that come running to the fencing, get up on their hind legs, faces smiling and with a look that says "Take me, take me, I have things to do!"

The Late Stork and Ambrosia have kept me so entertained during the past months that I find it difficult keeping up just reading about their experiences. One minute they are travelling to some beautiful location in the Cape, the next they are forming a 'Supper Club' and holding a dinner for some 12- 15 strangers and next you look, they have whisked themselves away to a retreat, for a weekend which requires focus and meditation

Lorraine on the other hand, approaches whatever she does with the same fervour. Her home is always a 'work in progress'. There is always a project on the go to change this, improve that and make an already beautiful home, more so. Add to this her wanderlust as well as her ability to relocate to another country. Lorraine has travelled to more countries than I can name and her spontaneity and ability to adapt to change is to be admired.

When I think about it these ladies have a lot in common. They are each eccentric in their own way (Ambrosia more so), sensuous and compassionate. They are also not scared of failure therefore face new experiences and challenges head on. They have dared to dabble their toes in unknown waters, dive in and swim hell for leather to the other side.

Thank you ladies; I picture you in your old age, happy and laughing away while relating experiences with grandchildren around your knees, listening in awe to the stories you have to tell, which reminds me..........I must rush off, I bet The Late Stork and Ambrosia have a new blog for me to read!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chronicles of a Friendship

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Anais Nin

From the time I found I was physically unable to work due to my illness, I began receiving text messages from a lady, Jenni, whose son was a squad member for Easterns tennis. I was quite surprised by this, not having had many friends in my life and I really struggled to comprehend her kindness towrds someone she barely knew.

As time went by, Jenni continued to communicate with me and things progressed from text messaging to e-mailing and now, reading my blogs. I cannot over-emphasise how much her communicating with me and befriending me has meant. Jenni has since introduced me to a friend of hers named Beth.

Below you will find some of the writing that has transpired between the three of us and I am sure that from this you will see just how special they are:

Beth May 2, 2010 (Text message)

Father,I lift this special lady up to you. Please make her strong and spoil her with blessings from above. Holdher close to your heart and protect her. Amen.

Beth May 3, (Email)

I think we need to get our 'wellies' out. It is the best weather to mess about in boats.

Beth May 4, 2010 (Email)

I really do not know when this weather is going to stop - today the mist was like 'pea green soup'. Oh well I think we should be in Venice - what a good time we could have shopping!

Jenni May 4, 2010 (Email)

Hey girl. This weather does not help those achin' bones. No more rain for Dancing Wind please, some sunshine would do the trick and warm them bones.

Jenni May 4, 2010 (Email)

Girls just remember we are the rainbow girl trio. When you are feeling a little bit better Dancing Wind, the 3 of us are going to spend some time together. Beth and I will wait patiently for you to tell us when, where and what you want to do. Now that is if you want to spend time with one sentimal girl, that is Beth, and one looney bin, that'sme.

Jenni May 5, 2010 (Text message)

Thinking of you dear friend and wishing you no pain and discomfort. God bless you.

Jenni May 5, 2010 (Email)

Girls, with Lolly Jackson passing, we can now get a part time job at Teazers.
We don't have to look like those girls from the Eastern Block countries who have the longest legs, cutest buns, prettiest faces and stunning bodies. We are like them, and now we don't have to worry anymore, because he won't be doing the interviewing and declining our applications JUST BECAUSE WE ARE OLDER or TAKE LONGER TO GET UP THAT POLE?

Now how does extra pocket money sound to you?

Jenni May 9, Mothers Day (Text message)

On this your SPECIAL DAY I hope you are feeling better and whatever you do I hope you enjoy. Be happy super mom. All my love.

Beth May 9, Mothers Day (Text message)

Every precious mother is a glimpse of God. It is one of life's best blessings, a priceless gift that can never be bought, sold or forgotten. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

Jenni May 11, 2010

To Beth and Dancing Wind

Thank you for your friendship.

Love Jen

Giving your Best
It's the hand we clasp with an honest grasp
that gives a hearty thrill;
It's the good we pour into other's lives
that comes back our own to fill.

It's the dregs we drain from another's cup
that makes our own seem sweet;
and the hours we give to another's need
that makes our life complete.

It's the burdens we help another bear
that makes our own seem light.
It's the anger seen in another's feet
that shows us the path to right

It's the good we do each passing day,
with a heart sincere and true;
In giving the world your very best
It's best will return to you

Beth May,11 2010 (Text message to Jen and I)

May the angels dance in your dreams tonight, may you sleep softly as upon the clouds and may you wake up to a great new day filled with sunshine and fields of joy. Sleep well. God bless.

Beth May 12, 2010 (Email)

I think we should be known as the 'The Three Musketeers' - all for one and one for all!!! We are in this together.

Beth May 13, 2010 (Email)

My wish for both of you today is:

May God be above you - for blessings
Below you - for support
Before you - for guidance
Behind you - for protection
Beside you - for comfort
Inside you - for sustenance.

Jenni May 13, 2010 (Special message for Jared on hearing that he had won a trophy for 'Best Speaker' in his Grade.

Dear Jared

This is a personal message for you. When you children excel at something, no matter how big or how small, you have no idea what it means to us. You children are so courageous, confident and so amazingly special that you make us proud to be your parents. Your achievements, sense of humour and ability to excel no matter what is going on in your head or hearts is to be marvelled at.

Well done Jared, you have done your mom proud and Beth and I (we are now your adopted aunties). Keep up the good work.

PS. Keep speaking Jared, for there are so many you can reach. It is a gift few people can boast about.

Love Jen

Hey Dancing Wind

Well done mom. When your children make you so proud, is it not strange that for a moment in time you feel no pain, no fear. This is the magic our children put into our lives, for without them, our live mean nothing.

Love Jen

Beth May 16, 2010 (Text message)

When you feel alone, look at the spaces between your fingers and remember that in those spaces, even if you cant see, are God's fingers locked with yours forever!

Beth May 17, 2010 (Text message)

Hi Dancing Wind, I will be thinking of you on Friday. Sometimes we try to move a giant tree when God only expects us to plant a seed......Do what you can and God will do what you cannot!!

Have a restful night.

Luv Beth

Jenni May 20, 2010 (Email)


For Beth and Dancing Wind

I search the archives of moments stored in my mind
moments of love, moments of joy and achievements.
Jumbled amongst these treasured thoughts
swirl images of hurt, pain and failure.
But just as quickly fade, as the message of God's beautiful power
reminds me,
to be strong, to be forever grateful,
to remember that I am not alone in my passage of life.
That for every seed I sow, shall bring jubilation.
Shall any storm come, I will greet the rainbow.
Take me to a place of pain,
or fear,
He, like the wind on a crisp winter's morn,
will carry my thoughts, my living being,
to a place, where there is love,
compassion, appreciation,
that does not judge me, for
what I have done
but believes only,
in what I am, and can do
in days to come.
For it was faith, love and kindness,
that took me to a place,
few can be priviledged to say,
they have spent time,
it is a warm, special and enriching abode,
and the blessings in my life,
have chosen to call it .......

Love Jen

Jenni May 21, 2010 (Text message received prior to receiving Chemo)

Thinking of you special girl.

Love Jen

I cant wait to meet with these two special ladies when I am physically well enough!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Favorite Lyrics

My cousin Colleen, whom I regard as the queen of blogs, recently posted a beautiful and nostalgic article titled 'Winter'. This reminded me of a song I have always loved-and no, it is not 'Daar onder in die mielies...'

Indian Sunset

As I awoke this evening
with the smell of wood smoke clinging
like a gentle cobweb hanging
upon a painted tepee

Oh, I went to see my chieftain
with my warlance and my woman
for he told us that the Yellow Moon
would very soon be leaving

"This I cant believe", I said
"I cant believe our Warlords dead
Oh, he would not leave the chosen ones
to the buzzards and the soldiers' guns".

Oh Great Father of the Iroquoise
ever since, I was young
I've read the writing of the smoke
and breastfed on the sound of drums

I've learned to hurl the tomahawk
and ride a painted pony wild
to run the gauntlet of the Sioux
and make a chieftain's daughter mine

And now you ask that I should watch
the red man's race be slowly crushed
what kind of words are these to hear
from Yellow Moon whom a white man fears?

I take only what is mine, Lord
my pony, my squaw and my child
Oh, I can't stay here to see you die
along with my tribe's pride

I go to search for the Yellow Moon
and the fathers of our sons
where the red sun sinks in the hills
and the healin' waters run

Trampin' down the prairie rose
Leavin' hoof tracks in the sand
those who wish to follow me
I welcome with my hands

I heard from passin' renegades
Geronimo was dead
He'd been layin' down his weapons
when they filled him full of lead

Now there seems no reason
why I should carry on
in this land that once was my land
I can't find a home

It's lonely and it's quiet
and the horse soldiers are comin'
and I think it's time I strung my bow
and ceased my senseless running

For soon I'll find the Yellow Moon
along with my loved ones
where the buffaloes graze in clover fields
without the sound of guns

And the red sun sinks at last
into the hills of gold
and peace to this young warrior
comes with a bullet hole.

Lyrics: Elton John & Bernie Taupin
Album: Madman Across The Water

Sunday, May 16, 2010

They are coming to take me away ha ha...

1996 proved to be an interesting year for me. It was then that my perception of reality took on a life of its own.

I struggled to get up in the morning and dress myself. Choosing an outfit to wear was too much to think about and then there was still the rest of the day..... Add to that two young children and you get the picture. My hair, usually my pride and joy would not be washed for days and the little weight that covered my bones whittled away until I weighed a mere 42kgs.

I was in a very dark place and the only way out of it was to embark on a dreadful but necessary journey called 'therapy'.

Therapy is very much like a triathlon, bungee jumping and the 'Amazing Race' rolled into one where one's defences are stripped bare and strength and courage are the only forces urging you on. The only difference in this situation is that it all happens in one's mind and there are only 2 participants. You and the therapist.

Well, clearly, I survived it all and made it to the finishing line, a happier, less rigid and more empathetic individual which reminds me of something I heard on 'Desperate Housewives' the other day and it pertains to stripping of various kinds:

"The act itself is quite simple. You strip away the outer layer and reveal what's underneath of course. Sometimes the results can be quite surprising:
If you strip away the veneer of happy domesticity, you may find grief.
If you strip away the facade of wealth, you may find self- loathing.
If you strip away the veil of helplessness, you may find cruelty.
Yes, stripping can be a dangerous pastime but for the lucky few, it can also be, a lot of fun".

Saturday, May 15, 2010


21 September 2009

On April 29 2009 I heard the words no woman wants to hear... "I am sorry but you have breast cancer which has metastased in your spine". I felt completely numb and my first reaction was: thats it - my life has ended. It was, however, at that point, when the kindness began. Not being on a medical aid, the Neurosurgeon with whom I had consulted, arranged for a huge discount on my MRI scan.

I was then referred to Baragwanath hospital for surgery and treatment. Upon reaching casualty, found it to be too chaotic and I refused to wait to be admitted.

My next angel came in the form of my cousin, Michelle, who used her contact (a Professor) and sheer perseverence to get a doctor at the Steve Biko hospital to see me.

I was admitted on 7 May 2009 and the radiation, drips, scans and sonars began.

No story is complete without the support of family. My mom and sister Lorraine flew out from Canada to be with me. Lorraine, in particular, flew out at very short notice leaving her family to fend for themselves. My other sister Lynne, flew up from the Cape, courtesy of her daughter Leah in America. Other people who were most supportive were Aunty May, Marianne, Douglas, Adi, Kim, Natalie and of course my precious children.

Nicole took time off work, cooked meals for her brothers (and me), fetched and carried and gave my sisters a place to stay.

Kieran, although being in his first year of study at UNISA and writing exams, ran the home as if he had been doing it forever.

Jared stepped up to the plate and contributed towards the smooth running of the home, all the while ensuring that his school grades remained at a high standard.

The power of love and support is immeasurable and I am deeply humbled and grateful to each person mentioned here for the role they have played in my life. If you are reading this, and are one of them please know that you are special and loved and I would not be here right now without you.


Friday, May 14, 2010

My Bone Scan

I was recently booked for a bone scan by my doctor in the Oncology Unit. The section of the hospital that one visits to undergo the procedure is called 'Nuclear Medicine'. The very name sounds as if one should be miles away from there never mind entering the doors!

I was quite happy when I heard that I did not have to undress and don one of those fashion disaster gowns that flap open at the back. This is great I thought.

I lay down on the concave bed, head facing the door. The Radiologist explained what would take place; the procedure would take about 20 minutes, the machine would move and come very close to my face but it would not touch me. She then placed a velcro strap around my ankles. "You must lie very still throughout the process" she said. Still okay I thought...

She then went to a computer to the left of me and began inputting data (I could see her out of the corner of my eye). Once this task was complete she then disappeared from my view. This is when my nervousness set in.

The fully automated machine began its job. The room was quiet apart from clicking and moving sounds emitted by the equipment. Things were going well, UNTIL I heard what I thought, was someone opening the door behind me.

My first instinct was to look behind me - but I had been told not to move. Newspaper headlines suddenly flashed through my head: 'Woman attacked in Pretoria hospital'. What was I to do? I am no Caster Semenya, I was sandwiched between a machine, my ankles were tied and any form of injury would more than likely result in broken bones for me.

It took every bit of my resolve to remain still on that bed while my wonderful imagination went on a superjet journey of its own. Slowly, I managed to calm myself down and remain still.

Needless to say, noone had entered the room but, it was the scariest scan I have endured and for all the wrong reasons.

Who knew?

Almost 17 years ago my youngest son was born. The timing was bad to say the least; Nicole was in matric, Kieran aged 3 kept me on my toes with his gluten and wheat allergies and life in general just felt as though it was too much for me.

When Jared was two Years of age it was diagnosed that his speech development was delayed as a result of chronic Rhinitus and many middle ear infections.

His tonsils and adenoids were removed and grommets were placed in both ears. Speech therapy then commenced. This was a battle in itself as Jared had become quite ingenious and accustomed to acquiring things without saying a WORD. All it took were sounds and gestures and he would get just what he needed. It was now up to me to break the pattern.....

The night before last, Jared was chosen to present a speech titled "The best thing since sliced bread" at his school's first public speaking event. Being bedridden I could not attend the function and waited anxiously at home like a hen on eggs wondering how he would fare.

Imagine my surprise and joy when Jared later walked in the front door proudly displaying a trophy for the 'Best speaker in his grade' and a gold certificate!

Life could not be sweeter for me right now.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fruit Smörgåsbord

I was fortunate enough to be a child of the 60's. Forget about free love, drugs or Woodstock - I am referring to free fruit!

My family rented a house in a lower middle class suburb where the streets had an open, friendly feel. The walls seperating each home were either very low or non-existant. The streets were busy with children cycling, playing ball games or simply running chores.

One daily chore would be to walk to the corner cafe to buy a freshly baked hot loaf of bread. It was during these strolls that one came to know the location of every fruit tree on the block. The choice was delightful; peaches, apricots, cherries, figs and even prickly pears. The only worry one had was that someone else would get to a piece of fruit that you had been eyeing for the past week or two waiting for it to ripen.

Global warming was unknown. The weather patterns were constant and the fruit was plentiful and pesticide free.

Today fruit trees have been relegated to orchards and the fruit itself to supermarket shelves. Gardens are landscaped, aesthetically pleasing and the trees are sculpted.

There is a lot to be said for the 60's , climbing up into the dark branches of an old apricot tree and quietly savouring its fruit.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have always loved prisms, crystals and lights ever since I saw the movie "PollyAnna" as a child.

Many of you may never have seen the movie but today prisms still enchant me as much as they did then.

How does a prism work? Basically light passes through the glass, slows down and then leaves the glass again at a faster speed. The light, depending on whether it reaches the glass head on or at an angle, will result in the light being refracted and/or reflected.

People have played the part of light in my life and the principles mentioned above have been clearly demonstrated to me.

Some lights have been ever present, always encouraging and bringing out the the best in me to present to the world.

With others, the light has been refracted, insidious and almost elusive but still enough to elicit another hue to my personality spectrum.

Lastly there have been those brilliant rays of light on the darkest of days, from the least expected sources.

These are what have kept my prism dancing.

I wonder what my colours will reflect today.........